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We race sailboats because racing gives sailing a goal and improves your sailing. Nothing tells you that you need to do something differently more quickly than seeing as a neighboring boat smoothly pass you by as your boat rocks in the waves. And good sailors are generally happy to tell you their secrets. Well, at least some of their secrets, anyway! Racing makes your overall experience of sailing better. It increases your enjoyment to be able to do something well. 

We use a international rating system to handicap our boats.  Using this system, the slower boats start earlier and the faster start later.  The boat that gets to the finish line first wins. Easy peasy.

You say that you’ve never sailed before? That’s where the Lake Region Sailing Club comes in. Speak with a club member if you know one. Or click on Contact Us at the top of this page to send us a message, and we'll get in touch. There are many who can take you aboard for a day sail or even a race, and other than being comfortable aboard a boat, no experience is necessary. If you have sailed but never raced, participating on another sailor's boat is a great way to find out if racing is for you. The Lake Region Sailing Club takes a low pressure approach to racing. It’s all about having fun. Any boat and any degree of experience is welcome.

So, give it a try. You might find that it’s a dimension of your life that ends up being a passion. And a passionate life is a life well-lived!


Visit our contact page to talk to a sailor and get out on the water!

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